Stockpile Now and Beat Inflation! Treat Of The Day! Organic Macadamia Nuts are crunchy and taste so good: our Macadamias are grown in nutrient rich volcanic and alluvial soils and under Tropical Climates
Macadamia Nuts can be eaten raw, dry roasted prior to consumption, or seasoned and deep fried in vegetable oil.
Ultimately, Macadamia Nuts can be used to enhance the flavor of your cookies, cakes, confectionery, ice creams, salads, casseroles, pork, chicken or beef roast.
The natural oils from Macadamia contain 78 percent monounsaturated fats, higher even than that found in olive oil.
Macadamia Nuts also contains vast storehouses of minerals, dietary fiber and Ketogenic lovers consider Macadamia a great source of high energy and nutrient density.
Macadamia contains no trans fatty acids and are important in improving the balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids.
We offer our consumer packaged Macadamia Snacks under our service mark, SNAX but don't hesitate to reach out as we do also offer discounted wholesale and bulk quantities from a few cases to whole container loads under our Macadamia.US and Treat Of The Day! Brands.
We ship everything from a few cases to whole 20 FT container loads.
We recommend roasting the raw nuts in an oven for 12 Minutes at 240 Degrees Fahrenheit.For Bulk Orders, the Seasoned Macadamia Nuts come in the following options:
a) Macadamia Nuts - Sea Salted
b) Macadamia Nuts - Sea Salted with Mild Chili
Buy a case today, share with your friends, and help spread the love for great taste and heart-healthy snacking.